A 148-year-old Christmas carol you've probably never heard
This German-language classic is singable in English for the first time
Some months ago, in a fit of half-cocked enthusiasm, I translated an English hymn into German. Only afterward did I learn more about the tune, which (it turns out) already has a place in German-speaking culture—as a Christmas carol.
The tune is called “Hanson Place.” Here’s a version with an appropriately zippy tempo:
The carol text was written by a Methodist minister, Ernst Gebhardt, around 1876.
While the text has already been rendered into literal English,1 I have not yet found an English version that is in meter and designed to be sung. So: it’s translation time again.
First, the original German version, from the 1897 edition of Gebhardt’s hymnal Frohe Botschaft in Liedern (“Good News in Song”):
Weihnachtsjubel von Ernst Gebhardt 1. Welchen Jubel, welche Freude Bringt die liebe Weihnachtszeit! Fröhlich sieht man alle Leute In der ganzen Christenheit! Chor: „Ehr’ seit Gott,“ so laßt erschallen, „Und Fried’ auf Erden, Menschen Wohlgefallen! Euch ist ja der Heiland geboren, Der Herr in der Davidsstadt!“ 2. Wieder strahlt im Glanz der Kerzen Funkelnd uns der Weihnachtsbaum, Und es fassen unsre Herzen All’ die Herrlichkeiten kaum. 3. Doch nur kurz sind solche Freuden, Bald verlöscht der Kerzen Licht, Jesus kann allein bereiten Freuden, die vergehen nicht.
Here it is in English:
Christmas Joy by Ernst Gebhardt translated by Sara Bickley 1. Oh, what gladness and rejoicing Fills the world at Christmastide! Christian hearts in ev’ry nation Spread the merry tidings wide. Refrain: “Blest be God”—and let it ring out: “Peace on the earth and goodwill”—let us sing out! “Unto you is born this day a Savior In the town of Bethlehem.” 2. Once again the tree is glitt’ring, Once again the candles glow, And the glory of the Highest Makes our glad hearts overflow. 3. When the candles are extinguished And the holidays are o’er, Jesus still is God among us And our Joy forevermore.